Intelligent connected vehicle test evaluation and testing certification
In the “China Automated Driving Test and Verification Technology Innovation Forum”, we invited Mr. Guo Kuiyuan, Director of the Intelligent Auto Room of Tianjin Automobile Testing Center, to explain the intelligent network test and evaluation.
The intelligent networked car is equipped with advanced in-vehicle sensors, controllers, actuators and other devices, and integrates modern communication and network technology. It has complex environment awareness, intelligent decision-making and automatic control functions, enabling information sharing between vehicles and external nodes. Control synergy to achieve “zero casualties, zero congestion” and achieve the next generation of cars that are safe, efficient and energy-efficient. With the vehicle as the main body and the main node, the modern communication and network technology is integrated to realize the information sharing and control coordination between the vehicle and the external nodes, so as to achieve a new generation multi-vehicle system with safe, orderly, efficient and energy-saving vehicles. The intelligent networked car is a smart car with network connection function. The network connection greatly expands the acquisition, transmission and interaction range of smart car information.
The traditional car adopts the driving execution system, and the test scene can be enumerated frequently. It can form a representative typical test method. It focuses on evaluating the vehicle’s single function and performance, and can be evaluated one by one using physical and mechanical means. The self-driving car adopts the intelligent system (perception + decision + execution), which requires continuous perception, decision, execution, continuous operation, and continuous arrangement of scenes. The corresponding test scenarios cannot be continuously combined and exhaustive, algorithms, Software dominates the actual functions and performance, and traditional test evaluation methods have been difficult to effectively cover the new features of autonomous driving. Intelligent networked vehicles are multi-system coordination, multi-technology integration, and there are many risks. Currently, the current multi-dimensional and multi-angle test evaluation needs to reach a confidence level.
The intelligent networked car takes the vehicle as the main body and the main node, and integrates modern communication and network technology to enable the vehicle and the external nodes to realize information sharing and control coordination to achieve a new generation multi-vehicle system with safe, orderly, efficient and energy-saving driving. The intelligent networked car uses the car as the carrier to achieve the goal of advanced assisted driving and automatic driving through multi-directional technical means and function integration.
The test evaluation of intelligent networked vehicles needs to be combined with each other through a variety of test results. Then Guo gave us a detailed explanation of the real road test, open road test, functional safety test, information security test and simulation test. And introduced some test evaluation methods abroad.
Then Mr. Guo wants us to explain the current status and trends: in the passenger car sector: 1. The new version of C-NCAP will be officially implemented on July 1, 2018. AEB rear-end, AEB pedestrians will become official evaluation projects, and the overall safety weight will be 15%, has completed the test evaluation of more than 50 models. 2. ADS/LKA/BDS and other ADAS national standards and regulations have been introduced. In the commercial vehicle sector: 1. National standards have been issued on January 1, 2018 GB7258 mandatory standard requirements: 2020 ESC (vehicle height greater than 3.7m, no passenger standing area), 2021 AEB (car length greater than 11m road) Bus, tourist bus), LKA in 2022 (car length greater than 11m road bus, tourist bus). 2. The Ministry of Communications proposed mandatory requirements for intelligent network connection in the operation of passenger buses in April 2017, and was enforced in April 2018. The “Technical Conditions for Operating Passenger Cars” mandatory installation of FCW and LDW, and AEB requirements will be enforced in 2019. And issued the “Technical Conditions for Operating Trucks”.
Finally, Mr. Guo showed us some products and practical cases in the autopilot test: I built the first OTA HIL test equipment integrated in the first sensing (MIMO RADAR+CAMERA) and decision (ADAS ECU) layer in China, which can be used directly. Radar OTA simulation does not rely on the target injection interface. Combine awareness with decision making to facilitate scenario testing and functional safety testing.
Through the driving simulator, the real driver and the virtual vehicle and virtual scene are composed into the driver-in-the-loop test system, which realistically simulates the vehicle state under various working conditions, and through visual, physical, tactile feedback and sound effects. The way the driver makes a subjective performance assessment of the target being measured. The device will be mainly used for intelligent network connection car controller function test, intelligent network connection car test scenario screening and generation. The key points include test items such as intelligent network connection human-computer interaction and human-machine driving performance.